Local Florists in Faial, Azores - Overseas Flower Delivery

7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

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FaialHortaPicoPonta DelgadaTerceira

Shop at Overseas Flower Delivery's online store today! Through our local florists in Faial, it is now possible to have your desired bouquet of flowers delivered on the same day as purchased. All orders are catered for individually and with utmost care so that each recipent recieves a grand and fresh floral display tailored to their own personal taste. In case the recipent is not home upon delivering, we will leave a note inviting them to contact the florist directly and arrange for a more convenient time for delivery. 

We take pride in offering you the opportunity to choose from our carefully orchestrated array of fine floral arrangements according to contemporary floral traditions in Faial, with delivery available to any local or overseas city of your choice! Some of our wide selection of floral gifts is listed below:

Bouquet of Seasonal Flowers - A lovely variety of seasonal flowers accented with foliage in a traditional style bouquet.

Container Arrangement - A lovely assortment of seasonal flowers artistically arranged by local Faial florists in a standard container. Roses Wrapped in a Presentation Bouquet - Lovely roses in a wrapped presentation bouquet or simply handtied. Choose your roses' colour: red, white, yellow, pink.

Sympathy flowers bouquet - A traditional sympathy arrangement, which is usually made with lilies, carnations and other seasonal flowers.

Traditional Funeral Wreath - The traditional funeral wreath with a fresh mix of in-stock seasonal flowers chosen by our professional designer in Faial, will vary by location according to local customs in Faial Island.

In every order to Faial Island you should always indicate the special occasion if any, so that our Faial florists will design it to be more appropriate for that specific event. For example for a new-born baby girl our florist in Faial will use pink flowers with mixed pastels.

With Overseas Flower Delivery you are guaranteed with the perfect satisfaction of your flowers. Your order to Faial Island will incorperate the highest level of style and design, using only the most beautiful and fresh flowers. Your flower order will be beautifully presented and delivered on the requested date, in pristine condition, and in distinctive style.

Our Faial florists deliver more than just flowers. Your order will be fashioned to delightfully convey your feelings and represent your personal message. We take pride in ensuring that each floral arrangement is beautifully styled by our expert florists in Faial Island with the utmost craftsmanship to arrive in perfect condition.