7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

What a splendid and beautiful flower arrangement! With light pink roses and white lilies, this bouquet will by far warm your loved one's heart, not to mention a perfect decor for anyone's home. The vase can be ordered separately.

A splendid and sweet bouquet full of life! The vase is not included.

Moonlight bouquet with white and purple flowers. Vase not included.

It's a new day. Make someone happy with this vibrant bouquet of mixed flowers. The vase is not included.

Beautiful purple flowers could not have found a better match than the perfect white flowers, that make this bouquet extra special. If you wish to have the flowers delivered in a vase, please make sure you order it separately.

A bouquet full of Adventure with bold and vibrant colours.

Order the vase separately.


Such a pretty and sweet flower bouquet, with gorgeous pastel flowers and colours. Stunning mix of pink, yellow and purple flowers for your loved ones. The vase can be ordered separately.


A bouquet full of sunshine, with yellow and pink flowers. Vase not included.

This bouquet screams confidence in oneself and loved ones. Tell someone 'You can do it' with this elegant mix of flowers. Encourage a relative or a friend with the beauty of flowers. Vase not included.

A splash of colour for this amazing handtied bouquet, with lovely daisies and roses, with other flowers as well! The vase is not included.

Treat your loved ones this special occasion with a marvellous bouquet of mixed flowers. Vase not included.

A colourful bouquet with stunning, vivid flowers in the brightest of colours. The vase is not included with the flowers.

A floral basket with pretty white and purple flowers.

You can dazzle your loved ones with this beautiful spring flower bouquet. The vase is not included.

A vivacious bouquet for your loved ones, with lovely assorted, colourful flowers. The vase is not included.

We offer our Mingle bouquet with pink and orange flowers, delivered fresh by florists. Send a gorgeous bouquet with orange and pink roses, along with carnations and chrysanthemums, and/or other seasonal flowers in the same colours. The vase is not included.

Our fresh and vibrant Colourful Basket will make your loved ones feel cheerful and special on any occasion. You can send our flower basket of yellow and pink flowers.

The perfect blooms for any occasion! What a stunning, mixed flower bouquet with assorted flowers. The vase is not included.

Send this hand-tied bouquet of 6 mixed roses. The vase is not included.

Send your flowers to Iceland! Selected florists in Iceland will use only freshly-cut flowers and blooms from the wide choice of flowers available in Iceland, so the flowers you send will be recieved at their best. You don't have to worry about local floral preferences in Iceland as only appropriate colours and flower arrangement styles suitable for Iceland customs will be used in the flowers you send to Iceland.

Sending Flowers to Iceland for Christmas - Christmas is an annual holiday celebrated on the 25th December. Christmas is one of the most popular holidays for sending flowers to Iceland and recieving flowers. Flowers and plants have long played a special role in Christmas holiday celebrations and are as personal and individual as the people celebrating them. Here at Overseas flower delivery we know the meaning of Christmas. You can relax knowing your Christmas flower gifts are in the hands of our skilled affiliated Iceland florists. All flower shops in Iceland are closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

Send Flowers for Valentines Day - Sending flowers in Iceland is certainly one of the most special ways to brighten up someone's day and if it is Valentines Day flowers, it will double up the joy. Different fresh flowers convey different meanings and messages. This makes the exchange of flowers more romantic and meaningful. Flowers have the power to convey what can't be explained by words. So choose one from our wide selection of flowers, to express your love on Valentines Day!

Mother's Day Flowers with Iceland Florists - Regardless of which flowers you choose, one thing is for sure - your mum will love them, and love you even more. It wouldn't be Mother's Day without Mother's Day flowers to Iceland. In fact, Mother's Day requires only two things: Mother's Day flowers, and endless appreciation for everything mum does.

A Telephone number is required for all flower orders. We cannot guarantee specific flowers, but instead seasonal flowers are delivered.

We Deliver Fresh Flowers In Following Cities in Iceland
