7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful person. Send lovely red flowers to make their day special. This product is one of our Bestselling bouquets, and we are not surprised about this! Including classic red roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums, beautifully arranged with stunning Stargazer lilies and gorgeous wrapping, no wonder this bouquet steals so many of our customers' hearts!

We offer our Mingle bouquet with pink and orange flowers, delivered fresh by florists. Send a gorgeous bouquet with orange and pink roses, along with carnations and chrysanthemums, and/or other seasonal flowers in the same colours. The vase is not included.

Be a winner with this lovely bouquet, arranged and prepared by the florist and hand delivered to your loved ones. Vase not included.

Pink roses and gorgeous delightful flowers arranged together. Have these pretty flowers delivered to a sweet someone. The vase is not included.

It's a new day. Make someone happy with this vibrant bouquet of mixed flowers. The vase is not included.

Dazzling pink roses and lilies. Feast your eyes on a bouquet with roses and stargazers. Vase not included.

A vivacious bouquet for your loved ones, with lovely assorted, colourful flowers. The vase is not included.

Elegance flower bouquet, with stunning white flowers and a touch of pink roses. The vase can be ordered separately.

She's the only one for you, and this gorgeous flower bouquet is the only one for her! Order a fresh bouquet of roses and carnations. Vase is not included.


Express your love and romance towards a special someone with this elegant flower bouquet, including red roses, pink roses and stargazers. Romantic flowers cannot get any better than this! The vase shown in the photo is not included.


Show your special someone the depths of your heart with gorgeous flowers on Valentine's Day. The vase can be ordered separately.

A deluxe pink flower bouquet with pink roses and Peruvian lilies. The vase is not included.

An exuberantly colourful floral arrangement of lilies, red roses and other gorgeous fresh flowers. This bouquet will truly help you celebrate all occasions. The vase is not included and can be added separately.


Express your emotions with a red roses, pink lilies and carnations bouquet from our Love and Romance collection. The glass vase can be bought separately.

What a splendid and beautiful flower arrangement! With light pink roses and white lilies, this bouquet will by far warm your loved one's heart, not to mention a perfect decor for anyone's home. The vase can be ordered separately.

Such a pretty and sweet flower bouquet, with gorgeous pastel flowers and colours. Stunning mix of pink, yellow and purple flowers for your loved ones. The vase can be ordered separately.

Express your feelings with this elegant flower bouquet, including the classic flowers - red roses and white lilies. The vase is not included and can be ordered separately.

Send a surprise bouquet by giving an open price and the freedom of expression to our professional flower shop. Allow our local flower shop to arrange a special bouquet of seasonal cut flowers for you from their unique daily selection. The vase is not included but can be added separately.


A mixed flower bouquet to have a great day with flowers! Vase is not included.


The breathtaking Casablanca lilies are known for their dramatic white blossoms and irresistible scent. Among the most famous of Lilies from the Oriental family, the Casablanca lily is as elegant as the name implies. Note: Casablanca lilies arrive in bud form and will begin to bloom within a few days of delivery. Vase not included.

A tender bouquet with the classical pink roses mixed with pink lilies. The vase is not included.


Send your hugs and kisses with this gorgeous pink flower bouquet, with stunning orange roses. The vase is not included.


Impress someone special with this mixed flower bouquet in pinks and whites. You can order the vase separately.

This floral bouquet will brighten up the day, featuring gorgeous roses, peruvian lilies and other beautiful flowers. The vase is not included.


Send your best regards in the form of fresh flowers, lovingly arranged and tied together. This bouquet includes a mix of wonderful fresh flowers and colours. Vase is not included.

A splendid and sweet bouquet full of life! The vase is not included.

Red roses and red spray roses bouquet. The vase is not included but can be ordered separately.

A stunning bouquet with red flowers, such as red roses and red carnations. The vase is not included.

Moonlight bouquet with white and purple flowers. Vase not included.

A bouquet fit for a superstar - passionate pink roses with Peruvian lilies and carnations. Vase not included.

Send Gifts Guam

We offer your flower delivery in Guam for all special occasions - You can simply browse our website and order a bouquet of absolutely stunning flowers and roses, so that you can surprise them! Order online to send flowers to Mississauga on the same day if you wish, provided that your order is placed by 12pm. We cannot entertain same day orders if your order is received later than this time. Our flowering and garden plants and fresh blooms are made to brighten up the entire room they are placed in. You will never go wrong with a floral gift delivered by one of our professional florist members. Your gifts of flowers will arrive ready to delight that someone special in your life.

Guam Florists

Florists deliver Mondays to Saturdays, excluding Sundays and public holidays. We can deliver for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Christmas nationwide, but the order needs to be placed 4 days in advance.

Say Thank You with Beautiful Housewarming Presents

Fresh wreaths make traditional housewarming presents that look amazing and add incredible color and fragrance to the home. Each of our unique wreaths is carefully handmade and delivered straight to your front door. Our wreaths selection includes both live and dried types, for both indoors and outdoors. While we offer the very popular Christmas wreath variety, we also create plethora of other themes, ranging from warm orange and red fall wreaths, to those creatively made of succulents or lavender, each adding the perfect dash of style to your front door. Flowers are always good housewarming presents that also deliver beauty and freshness to any room. Overseas chooses only the highest quality blooms to create our gorgeous assortment of floral bouquets and center pieces. Arrangements of brightly hued daisies or elegant orchid plants are just a few of the hundreds of housewarming present options you will find. We also carry some delicious gourmet foods, elegant fruit present baskets and decadent chocolate treats. You can trust that Overseas has the perfect present for all your special occasions.

Send Gifts Yigo

Send flowers to your dearest one’s in Yigo. We offer best bouquets and flowers online assorted by our expert florists for delivery in Yigo. We are one of the high-rated florists in Guam. As we offer premium hand-arranged bouquets which are made with vibrant coloured flowers. Our online flower delivery service is efficient, reliable, and punctual for all deliveries. Every online flower orders made with us are conveyed to a local florist in Yigo. Our affiliated local florists are specialised in hand-tied bouquets which they take time to assort each flower to bring out the vibrant look in a bouquet. Customers in kindly need to provide exact address and local telephone number for flower delivery to take place effectively.

We Also Deliver Fresh Flowers In Following Cities in Guam

BarrigadaDededoHagatnaMangilaoPitiSanta RitaTamuningYigo