7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

The breathtaking Casablanca lilies are known for their dramatic white blossoms and irresistible scent. Among the most famous of Lilies from the Oriental family, the Casablanca lily is as elegant as the name implies. Note: Casablanca lilies arrive in bud form and will begin to bloom within a few days of delivery. Vase not included.

A tender bouquet with the classical pink roses mixed with pink lilies. The vase is not included.

A bouquet full of lovely scented stargazer lilies. The vase can be ordered separately.

We have a wide selection of flowers that has been arranged in a number of different styles. For special occasions, such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, it is better to make your fresh flower bouquet order some days before. Our florists in Cyprus are devoted to provide you with the finest delivery service. Send fresh flowers with our reasonable florist arrangements. Gorgeous flowers can demonstrate your special feelings to your special ones. You can send fresh flowers for all occasions as our website allows you to send flower arrangement of your favoured designs and arrangements.

Send Flowers to Cyprus

Overseas Flower Delivery is one of the finest online flower delivery services that allow you to order and send fresh flowers with assurance at any time. For office deliveries, please ensure you put in the company name and address of the recipient. Send the finest flowers today through our local flower delivery service. With our extensive range of fresh flowers, you can pick and select your favourite flowers from imported fresh flowers, such as roses, lilies and chrysanthemums and have your selected flowers delivered to your special someone.