7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

The breathtaking Casablanca lilies are known for their dramatic white blossoms and irresistible scent. Among the most famous of Lilies from the Oriental family, the Casablanca lily is as elegant as the name implies. Note: Casablanca lilies arrive in bud form and will begin to bloom within a few days of delivery. Vase not included.

Beautiful and sweet bouquet of flowers to dazzle someone special in your life. The vase is not included.

What a splendid and beautiful flower arrangement! With light pink roses and white lilies, this bouquet will by far warm your loved one's heart, not to mention a perfect decor for anyone's home. The vase can be ordered separately.

Elegance flower bouquet, with stunning white flowers and a touch of pink roses. The vase can be ordered separately.


Express your emotions with a red roses, pink lilies and carnations bouquet from our Love and Romance collection. The glass vase can be bought separately.

Send a surprise bouquet by giving an open price and the freedom of expression to our professional flower shop. Allow our local flower shop to arrange a special bouquet of seasonal cut flowers for you from their unique daily selection. The vase is not included but can be added separately.


Send your hugs and kisses with this gorgeous pink flower bouquet, with stunning orange roses. The vase is not included.


Impress someone special with this mixed flower bouquet in pinks and whites. You can order the vase separately.

A luxury arrangement including roses, lilium casablanca, gerberas, alstromelias and other happy tones. The vase is not included.

She's the only one for you, and this gorgeous flower bouquet is the only one for her! Order a fresh bouquet of roses and carnations. Vase is not included.

A deluxe pink flower bouquet with pink roses and Peruvian lilies. The vase is not included.

A floral bouquet with pink flowers, stunningly hand arranged together in a stylish way by our local florists. The vase is not included.

This stunning bouquet is the perfect way to melt someone’s heart! With pink flowers, your sweetheart will adore you and her bouquet for many days to come. The vase is not included and can be added below.

A tender bouquet with the classical pink roses mixed with pink lilies. The vase is not included.

Pink roses and gorgeous delightful flowers arranged together. Have these pretty flowers delivered to a sweet someone. The vase is not included.

A bouquet full of lovely scented stargazer lilies. The vase can be ordered separately.

A White Delight flower bouquet with precious white blooms. The vase is not included.

A beautiful white flowers bouquet, with roses, daisies and other pretty white flowers. Vase is not included and can be ordered separately.


Show your special someone the depths of your heart with gorgeous flowers on Valentine's Day. The vase can be ordered separately.

Pink roses accentuated with gorgeous purple flowers and foliage. The vase is not included.

Such a pretty and sweet flower bouquet, with gorgeous pastel flowers and colours. Stunning mix of pink, yellow and purple flowers for your loved ones. The vase can be ordered separately.


Be a winner with this lovely bouquet, arranged and prepared by the florist and hand delivered to your loved ones. Vase not included.

Absolutely sweet and loving, this pink flower bouquet will charm your loved ones for many days to come. Vase not included.


This bouquet screams confidence in oneself and loved ones. Tell someone 'You can do it' with this elegant mix of flowers. Encourage a relative or a friend with the beauty of flowers. Vase not included.

Pink Lace Bouquet includes pink flowers such as roses, carnations, mums and freesias. Some blooms may be subject to local availability and may therefore be substituted with similar flowers. The vase is not included.

Daydream bouquet with pink, red and white flowers.

A splash of colour for this amazing handtied bouquet, with lovely daisies and roses, with other flowers as well! The vase is not included.

Treat your loved ones this special occasion with a marvellous bouquet of mixed flowers. Vase not included.

A floral basket with pretty white and purple flowers.

Send Flowers in Atlanta

Sending flowers to Atlanta to extend that Southern hospitality to someone important there is actually very easy. You could be right in the city or a thousand miles away, and that could still be done in just a few clicks on our site. Southern values are carried along with our services as well. That means that no matter where you are, we make sure your flowers will be delivered to your recipients in Atlanta right when you want them there. If you want to send flowers to Atlanta from abroad, we have international flower delivery in Atlanta which could be easily availed online. So if you are working overseas but would like to remind an important person back in Atlanta how much they mean to you, it’s not going to be a difficult task at all. Just select the flowers you want and when you want them sent. We have a variety of bouquets available online so you can make sure that there is a bouquet for every different personality. Once you’ve picked one, our local Atlanta florists will do the rest. All you have to do is wait for your recipient’s heartwarming reaction.

Atlanta Florists

Our florists in Atlanta are all about the Southern warmth. They know all about the charms of a fresh bouquet of flowers in winning the hearts of your favorite people. Every bouquet is hand-arranged by our florists, so you can be assured that they are carefully made. Of course, our local Atlanta florists value your recipient’s happiness as well. The bouquets are even hand-delivered right to their doorstep. That’s right--our florists put extra care in both flower arrangements and their deliveries.

Flower Delivery in Atlanta

Atlanta flower delivery is a hit during special seasons like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas Day. This means that our local Atlanta florists have high demands of flower delivery requests during these seasons. Of course, they are available to serve you even on holidays However, it would be best for them to receive your flower delivery orders at least 3-4 days ahead of the day of these occasions. During regular days though, if you want to send flowers to Atlanta, it could be done in short notice. Our florists are very skilled in working fast and producing quality flower arrangements there in Atlanta. After all, Southern hospitality means attending to your needs as soon as possible, and that is what we carry in our flower delivery in Atlanta, the heart of the South.