7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

The passion of our skilled florists in Aschheim, Germany is to deliver hand picked flowers to our recipients. In order for our trusted local florists in Aschheim to deliver the flowers on time we suggest that when ordering write exactly the address and time of when and where you want them delivered. In major occasions such as Mother’s day, Christmas and Valentine’s Day we recommend to order the flowers of your choosing at least two days earlier. This is to ensure that the flowers will be delivered on time. Our professional florists suggests that with your address you provide a telephone or mobile number in case of complications with the delivery. We can assure you that you will find fresh flowers and roses suitable for any special occasions. Our Flowers are at affordable prices and one can order comfortably from the comfort of their home.