7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Beautiful and sweet bouquet of flowers to dazzle someone special in your life. The vase is not included.

Moonlight bouquet with white and purple flowers. Vase not included.

The vase is not included with this product. Send birthday flowers to your loved ones to show them how much you care! A beautiful selection of pink and purple flowers. The vase is not included and can be ordered separately.

Beautiful purple flowers could not have found a better match than the perfect white flowers, that make this bouquet extra special. If you wish to have the flowers delivered in a vase, please make sure you order it separately.

Pink roses accentuated with gorgeous purple flowers and foliage. The vase is not included.

A bold Spring bouquet with mixed flowers and colours. You can order the vase separately. Iris may not be available and the florist will substitute with the nearest flowers available.

A lovingly graceful bouquet with mixed flowers. Certain flowers are subject to seasonal availability, and the florist may substitute accordingly. The vase is not included.

A Spring floral bouquet with pink tulips and purple irises. Vase not included.

A soft bouquet with lovely white roses and purple flowers. Vase not included.

Lovely fresh flowers for a gorgeous gift - our Secret Garden bouquet will make your loved ones beam with joy. Order vase separately.

A heavenly bouquet of white lilies and iris flower, which is highly seasonal and therefore not always available.

A romantic bouquet of flowers. The vase is not included.

Impress her with a bouquet of stunning flowers - elegant pink and purple flowers for the occasion. The vase is not included.

Egypt flower deliveries are today available to all cities. It is essential to have Egypt local telephone numbers, so that the florists in Egypt can contact the recipient before the flower delivery in Egypt. There are more than three Hiltons, three Sheratons and three Meridians. Please indicate exactly where the orders are going to. Egypt has a tremendous number of tourists. ALWAYS GIVE THE NAME OF THE TOUR along with the name of the Hotel and that of the recipient in Egypt.

Every florist in Egypt has his own unique floristry style to enhance the beauty of flowers. In the USA, for example bouquets are always delivered in vases or containers as handtieds are not popular, possibly due to the climate. On the other side, handtied bouquets are very popular in Europe and the rest of other countries in the world. Our Egypt florists try to show you the design of flower gifts available, in some cases the flower content and style may vary to ensure that our member Egypt florists hand deliver the very best flower gift.

Hotel Flower Delivery in Egypt - With the help of our online flower shop you can now also send flowers to hotel in Egypt. Always advice the recipient's cell number and the hotel room number, so that the hotel flower delivery will be a success. Also please now that the flower will be personally hand delivered by our local florists in Egypt and will be left with the receptionist.

Last Guarantee Date for Christmas, Mothers Day, Easter and Valentines Day is 2 days before in Egypt.

Christmas Flower Delivery in Egypt - Our member local florists in Egypt also work and deliver flowers in Christmas time. Our expertly trained florists in Egypt will prepare your Christmas flower arrangement using the finest Christmas flowers and the freshest Christmas flowers available in Egypt, so your Christmas floral gift is as beautiful as the thought behind it.

Valentines Day Flower Delivery in Egypt - Our online flower catalogue provides you also with a wide range of Valentines flowers from which you can choose a send to Egypt. Valentines flowers have the power to convey what can't be explained by words on Valentines Day. So choose the one from our wide selection of Valentines flowers, which expresses your love on Valentines Day in the best possible way!

Mothers Day Flower Delivery in Egypt - Visit our online website and choose your favourite Mothers Day flowers for your mum on Mothers Day. Our skilled florists in Egypt offer you a wide selection of Mothers Day flowers on our online flower catalogue from which you can choose; Mothers Day bouquets, Mothers Day flower arrangements, Mothers Day roses and any other type of flower design for Mothers Day… Because your mother deserves the best on her very own special day! Local telephone or mobile number are important for all flower orders in Egypt.