7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Sending flowers all through Gazly, Uzbekistan and worldwide is a passion for us. We deliver flowers same or next day. Order online from your PC, tablet or cell phone and let our group of talented local and trusted flower vendors’ deal with fresh flower delivery all the way. Whatever the occasion is, our broad scope of blossoms are deliberately chosen and affectionately custom fitted to suit all styles and tastes, including a huge range of flower bouquets and arrangement. Send flowers to all special women in your life on the eve of women’s day. Order a bouquet of roses to your valentine or sweetheart on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. Order red roses for your mother to express your emotions of respect to her on the occasion of Mother’s day. Order Christmas flowers for your loved ones, friends and relatives to wish Merry Christmas. We are interestingly ready to deliver flowers for the same or next day. The last time to order flowers is 9 am. We work from Monday to Saturday. Regardless of whether an extraordinary commemoration, the landing of a wonderful new child or a birthday recalled, at last, it's never past the point where it is possible to send blooms or commend a valuable minute in time.