7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Our team of florists in Ludwigsvorstadt Isarvorstadt, Germany, can do flower delivery six days a week from Monday to Saturday. If an order has to be delivered on the same day, we recommend that the order should be placed not later than 12 pm so that the delivery would be guaranteed but deliveries and orders for the next day are guaranteed. Our skilled florists suggests that with the address given with the order a telephone or mobile number would be provided in case of any complications with the delivery. Fresh flowers and roses are suitable for any special occasions including major holidays like Christmas, Mother’s Day. Our florists also suggests that on major holidays, orders should be made earlier, between two to three days in order for the flowers to be delivered on time. Our Flowers are at affordable prices and one can order comfortably from the comfort of their home. We also make sure to make our customers happy with our service and we are open to any feedback.