7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Order and send fresh and beautiful flowers from the comfort of your home to your loved ones. Order now for fresh flowers to be hand delivered by our professional local florists from Inca, Balearic Islands to the recipient's home. On our network one can always find different types of flowers suitable for any special occasion including Women’s Day and Valentine’s Day. Our committed local florists around the world helps us send flowers by hand worldwide. We make our clients feel safe and secured when ordering fresh flowers from our network from the comfort of their home. For deliveries to hospitals and clinics, please make sure to state the ward and room number and funeral orders must always include the name of the deceased with complete delivery address and a contact number. Our local team of professional florists highly suggests that with the delivery our clients include a local landline phone and the full address. A contact number is mandatory. If the address and/or phone are incorrect or missing, no complaint for non-delivery or late delivery will be accepted. On major occasions such as Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and Christmas, one can find a huge variety of flowers and roses to choose from. On these kinds of occasions we recommend to place your order at least two days earlier. This is to ensure that the flowers will be delivered on time. Prices are NOT valid for Valentines and Mothers Day. The last guarantee for orders in Valentine's day would be on 13th at 12 am. Mothers day always first Sundays in May. Funeral orders should clearly be noted as such and should always include name of deceased, a complete address and a contact number. Funeral orders must include the exact hours of the delivery dates. Our florists in Inca, Balearic Islands deliver flowers five days a week from Monday to Friday, from early morning until late afternoon. The local flower shops in Inca opens from Monday to Friday from 09:00 up until 20:00, and on Saturdays from 10:00 until 13:30. For you to benefit from same day delivery, from Monday to Friday the order must be placed not later than 17:00 while on Saturdays the order must be in not later than 11:00 am. Deliveries on Saturday afternoon and Sundays cannot be guaranteed. We can guarantee that for all types of occasions, flowers are always freshly available. Our flowers are at a reasonable price that won’t hurt your pocket. Feedback is always respected.