7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

A bouquet fit for a superstar - passionate pink roses with Peruvian lilies and carnations. Vase not included.

A stunning bouquet with red flowers, such as red roses and red carnations. The vase is not included.

A complimentary bouquet of stunning and gorgeous flowers. The vase is not included.

Impress her with a bouquet of stunning flowers - elegant pink and purple flowers for the occasion. The vase is not included.

A colourful bouquet with stunning, vivid flowers in the brightest of colours. The vase is not included with the flowers.

A floral basket with pretty white and purple flowers.

A romantic bouquet of flowers. The vase is not included.

You can dazzle your loved ones with this beautiful spring flower bouquet. The vase is not included.

A vivacious bouquet for your loved ones, with lovely assorted, colourful flowers. The vase is not included.

Visit our summer collection of lovely bouquets you can deliver to your loved ones. The sunflower is a seasonal flower and may not be available by particular florists. The vase is not included.

Have a summer bouquet delivered to your relatives and friends. The vase is not included.

A frosty bouquet perfect for the winter season. It includes seasonal white flowers and greens for this frosty season. The vase is not included.

Gather round with your family and friends this autumn season with our beautiful bouquet collection. This bouquet includes orange and burgundy flowers.

We offer our Mingle bouquet with pink and orange flowers, delivered fresh by florists. Send a gorgeous bouquet with orange and pink roses, along with carnations and chrysanthemums, and/or other seasonal flowers in the same colours. The vase is not included.

Overseas Flower Delivery is a reputed online international florist that is able to deliver fresh flowers online to Kalayaan. If you are looking for fresh flowers to be delivered on time to your desired recipient, our flower delivery service is here for you. We simply take away all the hassle of sending fresh flowers to your friends and loved ones. You can rely on us for all your flower needs. Our skillful team of local online Kalayaan florists and flower shops can craft the most stunning red roses to compliment a very lovely moment. We cater Valentine’s Day flower delivery and for other special occasions and events. You may also order and send the most wonderful gift baskets. Christmas is a season of love and giving, so order and send the most joyous Christmas flowers to your family this Christmas Day. Nothing can surpass the beauty of the finest arrays of flowers to be hand-delivered to your loved ones through us. Remember that fresh flowers are the best messenger of love, so order now! Order and send fresh flowers now and you better do it with our flower delivery.

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