7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

International Kanto Flower Delivery with Overseas Flower Delivery

Sending Flowers to Kanto

We are not just an online florist. We are gift and flower delivery network with customized services to meet your personalized gift giving needs. Tell us what you would like to send - and we will deliver anything locally available in Kanto, Japan and worldwide. Try our flower delivery service and you will join the list of our satisfied customers i Kanto!

Deliver Flowers Kanto

We are dedicated to delivering your floral and gift orders in a timely manner. The actual time and date your order is delivered is affected by the time of day your order is placed, weather conditions, and the distance from flower shop. Our delivery policies explain the delivery options available to you and how we process orders.

Kanto Flower Delivery

Our Kanto florists deliver your flower order to the address provided anywhere within Kanto or surrounding Japanese areas. Please make sure to provide us with correct recepient address and correct phone number to minimize flower delivery problems. When chosen flowers are being delivered to a business or hotel, we require room number or office floor or reception desk.

Send Flowers to Kanto

For same day flower delivery, flower orders must be received earlier, so our Kanto florists can make your delivery as quick as possible. Orders are usually delivered anytime and anywhere within Kanto and nearby towns.

Kanto Flowers

At Kanto florists we pride ourselves on the quality of our fresh flowers and floral arrangements. We are a leading Kanto online florist.

Kanto Florists

Last guarantee date for flower delivery in Kanto on Christmas, Mothers Day and Valentines Day is 2 to 3 days before the festive day.