7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Deliver Flowers to Riehen For the upcoming Christmas, the next best thing to do is to order gifts to your dearest ones in Riehen, which would brighten their Christmas celebration. With overseas flower delivery experts, we also specialize in delivering wonderful surprises and gifts too. Hence, do let us surprise your dearest ones with our exquisite range of flowers. We offer flowers and gifts for all celebrations including Mother’s Day, thanks giving day, Valentine’s day, Christmas and for anniversary. Coming Mother’s Day would be a wonderful opportunity to bring a smile on your mum’s face. Why not bring those smiles by sending them captivating flower bouquets and chocolates? Details needed for delivery in Riehen Customers kindly need to take note that Flowers found all year round are Alstromeria, Carnations, Chrysantemums, Lilies, Roses, Gerberas. Customers kindly need to take note that we require family's phone number, name of the church and ceremony hour have to be supplied. The celebrations observed in Switzerland are Mother's Day always on the 2nd Sunday of May, 1st August National Holiday, Saint Valentin on February 14, Christmas on December 23. The Christmas orders need to be made before 11:00 on 23 December.