7 day freshness guarantee
Same day delivery
Worldwide florist network
Hand-crafted bouquets
Flowers delivered by hand

Express your love and romance towards a special someone with this elegant flower bouquet, including red roses, pink roses and stargazers. Romantic flowers cannot get any better than this! The vase shown in the photo is not included.

She's the only one for you, and this gorgeous flower bouquet is the only one for her! Order a fresh bouquet of roses and carnations. Vase is not included.

It's a new day. Make someone happy with this vibrant bouquet of mixed flowers. The vase is not included.


Lovely mix of red and pink tulips. Vase not included.

All pink flowers beautifully arranged in a basket suitable for many occasions.

A deluxe pink flower bouquet with pink roses and Peruvian lilies. The vase is not included.

A floral bouquet with pink flowers, stunningly hand arranged together in a stylish way by our local florists. The vase is not included.

This stunning bouquet is the perfect way to melt someone’s heart! With pink flowers, your sweetheart will adore you and her bouquet for many days to come. The vase is not included and can be added below.

A tender bouquet with the classical pink roses mixed with pink lilies. The vase is not included.

Poinsettia plant with fruit in a basket.

Be inspired by this gorgeous pink rose and lilium bouquet, accentuated with carnations and asters. The vase is not included.

Beautiful purple flowers could not have found a better match than the perfect white flowers, that make this bouquet extra special. If you wish to have the flowers delivered in a vase, please make sure you order it separately.

White flowers delivered by a local florist. Order our Serenity bouquet of fresh flowers online. Vase is not included.

A White Delight flower bouquet with precious white blooms. The vase is not included.

A beautiful basket arrangement filled up with white roses.

A lovely plant arrangement, including spathiphyllum and dieffenbachia.

A beautiful white flowers bouquet, with roses, daisies and other pretty white flowers. Vase is not included and can be ordered separately.

Lovely shades of pink in this bouquet alongside flowers in other colours. Vase is not included

Pink roses accentuated with gorgeous purple flowers and foliage. The vase is not included.

A funeral wreath with white lilies.

Sympathy posy with white and yellow flowers for sympathy.

A funeral sheaf with red roses and white liliums.

A bouquet full of Adventure with bold and vibrant colours.

Order the vase separately.


Lovely flowers demanding care and attention. Express your devotion and attraction to someone special. Vase not included.


Send your best regards in the form of fresh flowers, lovingly arranged and tied together. This bouquet includes a mix of wonderful fresh flowers and colours. Vase is not included.

A lovingly graceful bouquet with mixed flowers. Certain flowers are subject to seasonal availability, and the florist may substitute accordingly. The vase is not included.

Such a pretty and sweet flower bouquet, with gorgeous pastel flowers and colours. Stunning mix of pink, yellow and purple flowers for your loved ones. The vase can be ordered separately.


A thoughtful bouquet with white flowers and a green touch. The vase is not included.

Lovely fresh flowers for a gorgeous gift - our Secret Garden bouquet will make your loved ones beam with joy. Order vase separately.

Makassar Florist - Makassar online Florist

Please inquire if you require assistance through our customer service before confirming order. As our no.1 priority is to satisfy our customer’s expectations. We cater flowers and bouquets for all types of occasions from birthday’s to expressing condolences for the loss of some one. The presence of our flowers will transform any setting into a more vibrant place.

Makassar Florist - Makassar online Florist

Makassar flower shops always guarantee of delivering fresh flowers professionally. Every order is compulsory to be included with precise address, local telephone along with a mobile number in order for our delivery team to provide you with better services. Our business will be closed on Major Holidays like Independence Day, Eastern Holidays, Spring Holiday, Midsummer Holiday, Re-independence Day, Christmas or New Year. We offer many sorts of floral arrangements. Our selection includes: bridal bouquets, holiday arrangements, birthday flowers, funeral flowers arrangements, wreaths, mother's day flowers, spring flowers, get well flowers, Valentine Roses and many more flower arrangements for any theme.

Flowers for Special events in Makassar

Make your better half’s heart be delighted with flowers for Valentine’s Day celebrated in Makassar. It will certainly be a delightful opportunity to bring a beam on your loved one’s faces. Please make your orders for valentines’ day. Hand-gathered Christmas flowers will be a perfect gift to your family and friends in Makassar. Send this gift of elegance to your family back home. The presence of this flowers would make your Christmas celebration a more joyful event with your family. Make this Mother’s Day a day to remember in your mum’s heart. Deliver delicate range of florals to your mother’s whom are located across ocean. The last guaranteed time for making orders is at least one day before the occasion.

Expressions of Sympathy in Makassar with flowers

For funeral orders in Makassar, our send flowers worldwide delivery service is the most efficient and effective delivery service. As our deliveries are always on time as stated. The unlucky circumstance is that everybody passes at one time or another and flowers are about the only gift which can be referred at a time like this during their early days of grief where cooking is unimaginable.

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